Car clearance in Ukraine in 2025. How to calculate taxes to the budget correctly? Our calculator for car customs clearance will help you with this.
  The car customs clearance calculator calculates customs payments in strict accordance with the customs legislation of Ukraine for 2025, namely Laws of Ukraine 2611-VIII та 2612-VIII.
To accurately calculate the amount of customs payments when importing a car, you must specify:
Year of manufacture of the car
Engine type
Engine volume
The cost of the car
  Customs payments during customs clearance are calculated based on the value of the car in hryvnias at the National bank of Ukraine exchange rate on the day of its registration. They are paid to the customs account before the car enters the territory of Ukraine.
  Please note that the calculator only counts the fees you pay at customs. To get a car on Ukrainian plates you will have to pay: the cost of customs broker services, obtaining a certificate of conformity for the car, the fee for registration of the car in the Service Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
An example of filling in a receipt for payment of customs duties:
Recipient - Vinnytsia Customs
Code of recipient - 43997544
Bank account - UA278999980355749089803470587
Purpose of payment: *;350;owner code;advance payment for customs clearance Ivanchuk Ivan Ivanovych
The amount is 50 000.00 UAH.
You can check the correctness and relevance of bank account for car customs clearance on the website of the state customs service:
Who has benefits in 2025?
  Today, no one enjoys tax exemptions during car customs clearance. Cars that are imported to military units enjoy benefits, but they are owned by the state and you will not be able to register them in Ukraine.
Restrictions on importing cars in 2025
  As before, importation and customs clearance of passenger cars with an environmental class not lower than Euro 2 is allowed; for customs clearance of truck tractors, trucks, buses, their environmental class must be not lower than Euro 5. In 2025, cars manufactured in the Russian Federation and those that were registered there will be banned from importation.
  The updated list and samples of documents for customs clearance of cars in Ukraine can be found on the page: «List of documents for car customs clearance».
Approximate sequence of your actions when clearing a car in 2025
- deregister the car, get transit numbers, transit technical passport and insurance policy (if the car will be travelling on its own);
- send a photo of the car documents to the customs broker;
- after receiving from the broker the amount of payments for customs clearance of the car in 2025 and details of customs, pay these payments and send a photo of the receipt of payment;
- further, the customs broker issues a preliminary declaration (PD) and a general declaration of arrival (ZDP) at customs, and provides you with their numbers;
- you provide Ukrainian customs officials at the border with the documents for the car and the numbers of the PD and ZDP;
- get your documents stamped by the border customs;
- deliver the car and its documents to the customs terminal to complete the clearance of the car;
- after completion of customs clearance of the car, the customs broker will provide you with all the documents necessary for its registration in the Service Centre of the MREO.
  For a free consultation on the procedure for customs clearance of cars in 2025, please contact our specialists.