Customs broker BROKSTAR®
all spectrum of customs services in Vinnytsia, Ukraine
   Customs clearance of cargoes in Ukraine is difficult and complicated procedure demanding thorough knowledge of international law, Ukrainian customs and tax laws and, necessarily, realities of work of supervising bodies and structures of customs, regular tracing of innovations of the legislation and tendencies in country economic policy.
  The customs broker is an expert in customs registration, whose duty to save you from such complexities and financial expenses, it is a commercial organisation which activity consists in representation of interests of the enterprise at customs, and also realisation of operations on customs clearing of the goods and vehicles on its own behalf on the instructions of the customer.
   Services of the customs broker or customs brokerage services is a complex of actions for customs registration and declaring of cargoes. All activity of the customs broker is directed on optimisation of terms and expenses both for logistics, and for cargo registration at customs.
   BROKSTAR® LLC is a licensed Ukrainian firm providing a full scale of customs related services, advice and support to importers and exporters involved in the international trade.
We are ready to offer you the full list of services in customs registration of the goods, including:
You can acquaint with full and more detailed list of given services in section «Services»
    Our experts with more than 15 years experience will help to develop and realise the optimal and effective scheme of foreign trade activities of your enterprise. We will be always glad to help and consult you on any questions concerned customs, registration at customs, foreign trade in Ukraine.
For those who starts to be engaged for the first time in foreign trade
we recommend to visit sections «Articles» and «Documents»
   For more detailed consultation you can contact us by phones: +38067-965-05-86, +38097-144-53-06, +38095-842-32-50 or in any convenient way for you. See section «Contacts».