For anybody not a secret that for today in Ukraine it is possible to list the state organisations which I work by a principle of "a uniform window" (when the representative of the enterprise transfers necessary documents to one official and from it receives corresponding allowing documents) on fingers of one hand. And in the course of customs clearance of your cargoes can be involved up to ten various departments and services State Customs Service of Ukraine.
   Only customs broker can provide effective interaction at carrying out of customs registration, and also reception of necessary allowing documents, decisions, resolutions etc. with the minimum expenses of your time and money.
   According to clause #319 of the Customs code of Ukraine the goods moved through customs border of Ukraine except customs control can be subject sanitary and epidemiological, veterinary, phytosanitary, radiological and ecological control.
   Besides, depending on goods kind, customs registration can demand reception of allowing documents of the state and non state supervising authorities:
- The state sanitary epidemiological service of Ukraine;
- The state inspection of quarantine of plants;
- The state veterinary service;
- Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine;
- The centre of standardization, metrology and certification;
- Energy saving inspection;
- Commodity exchange;
- Gemological service;
- Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce & Industry;
- The specialised expert organisations, etc.
   Our enterprise, at will of the customers, provides reception of permissions, the conclusions, certificates and marks of these authorities.